Woohoo….It’s playing time again…. I love the Indonesia weather 🙂 warm all the year…hehe
I started learn to walk using baby walker…. 🙂 it’s better to just walk directly without using baby walker 😛 LoL
Yay…I’m groowing…. 🙂 soo happy!!
My lovely baloon 🙂 Anyway I still have the video that shows that I’m very excited with that yellow baloon 😛
I have many great aunty back in Changchun, China….hehe…. I love to walk in the Nanhu park too 🙂
I can hold the bottle by myself 🙂 …. I’m missing my previous hair style…huhuhu 😛
My har was growing, but it’s fallen and sometimes I ate that hair too 😛 LoL…my dad had initiative to cut all my hair with […]
This is my 10 months in the world…I already have teeth now…two in the bottom and four on the top….Nowadays sometimes I can stand withour […]